Wednesday, 6 January 2016



Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning....

In this lovely occasion May Allah bless us and always give his mercies. And I would like to deliver my speech titled "Free Sexs and Social Media".

Ladies and Gentlemen

The problem that still hotly discussed are free sexs and social media. You can see that if the association in this era so free. As if there is no limit between women and men.

Instead there is a principle, that teenagers who have never been courting was outdated. What is wrong jomblo? However, can we know itself that the attitude of our nation actually isn't like it, change culture of this nation caused by the western culture that we imitate.

Style fashion which opens genitalia, such as wearing miniskirts and clothes open. It is not unthinkable that it could invite disobedience to himself. And, we know that in Islam do not allow it.

And, if we look from the social media which is circulating now. Make us colonized by the gadget. We are busy hunting photos, which makes no chance to praying with God. Even more makes us so lazy: lazy thinking, helping parent, and etc.

Imagine, if we don't try to prevent the negative impacts, how is Indonesian condition for 10 or 20 years to come. Child the nation would be deceived electronic sophisticated and casual sex. Ironic is not it? Most of the religious affiliation of the Indonesian Islamic right? Then  make immorality is rampant in everywhere. Without we realize casual sex and social media can make us loss. Because, as a young man and that it was only a short time when we can learn to achieve a bright future.

So, keep your association . Thank you for attention ...
Wasalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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